Sunday, 27 March 2016

Types of Literary Critisim.

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Name: -   Gohel    Ankita     Kishorbhai     
Rollno: - 12
PaperName: - Literary Theory and criticism
Topic: - The Various Types of literary criticism                               
Guide: - Dilipsir Barad   
Submitted: - smt. Gardi m.k   Bhavanagar university,    Department    of   English
Year: - 2015-2017

                                      Criticism and more specifically literary criticism is the over all term for studies concern with defining classifying analysising interacting and evalvating works literature theoryritacal critism. purpose and explicit theory of literature, in the sense of general principle together with a se t of terms, distanging and catageryer to be applied identifying and analyzing works of literature, as well as critieria. The earliest and the impotant criticizes of the theroytical criticism was Aristotle’s “Poetic.’’There are many critics like Geothe in germani,Semual Johnson ,Coleridge and mettu Arnold in England. Poe Emerson in America and heorase in Rom.
                                     There are various types of criticisim under:-
1)  Reader Response Criticism
2)  Formalism
3)  Deconstuctive ( Decentralize )
4)  Structerlisim
5)  Post Structerlisim 

1)          Reader response Criticism :-
                      In the more distractive from of serch critiocism matter that had that considered by critics tobe feature of literary work itself including Narrator,Plot,Character,Style and structure as well as meaning are dissolved into an involving process. 
                               Reader Responses critics of all theortical persuration agree and disagree the meaning .A  text are the “ Producation” or  Creation” of the individual reader hence that there is no one “ Correct”meaning for all readers either of the investing part or of artistic whole of text.
                           Reader Response Theory deals with reader’s reaction,while reading towards the work.He reads what happen in  this criticism is the writer complete his writings or work and nopw his work is free from the writer himself.The readers have this work and they merely focus on the work not its author, other writings, his biography, his period etc.Now the work is free from any relatives sources and the reader’s work starts from their. The reader gives his responces about the texts from his own point of view.The same thing happens with other readers as they provide their own point of view.
                       This is how the reader centralize the text itself and provides his view according to his understanding thus a single text may have lots of response from various reader and its gets the form of criticism.
                      Formalisim is a type of literary theory and analysis which originated in Moscow and St.Peyterburg in second doked  of the 28th century and first opponents “ apealied the term of formalisim” derogratary because of it focus on the pattern and technical devices of literature to acusion of its subject matter and social values later on it became unnatural degenation.
                         Formalisim views literature primarly asa specialed use of language and purpose a fundamental opposion between the literary views of language and the ordinary “ Pratical ”use of language.It purpose that the central function of ordinary language is to communicate to oditors a message or information,by refrence to the world acquting outside of language. In the contrass it conceives literary language to be self focused in that it’s function is not a convey information by making extreamtic refrence but to offer the reader a special mode of experience by drawing attension to its on “ Formal ” Feature.

3)Deconstuctive( Decentralize):-
                           This criticism given by Jeques Derrida  it as appealed in theory and practice of reading that questions and calms to “ subvert ”or “ undermined”the assumption tat the system of language provides grownds that are adequate to establish boundrys.The conherence or unity and the determined meaning of literary text as the originater of disconstuction is the french thinker derrida. There are many precurrors were Friedrich Nietzsche( 1854 -1900) and Martin heidezzer  (1889-1976) german philosophical concept such as   Knowledge ”, “ Truch” and “ Identify” as wellas Sigmung Freud ( 1556-1939) who analysis voilented tradition concept[t of conherant indivaual consciouncess and a unitary itself.
                            Derrida’s  writing are complex and illusive and the summary can only indicate some of their main tendencies deride key terms and statements have matipal siginification but a primary one that a reader cannot get beyond parole,signs to anythings in themselves  which because they are independent of the system of language might serve various meaning.
                    Deride did not purposes deconstuction as a mode of literary criticism but as a way of reading all the kind of reading so as to revel and subvert the tacit metaphysical proposition of western thoughts. His views and processer however have been taken literary critic as specially in America who have adapted derriada “ Critical Reading”to the kind of  close reading of particular literary texts.Some Deconstuctive critics claim that a literary text by itself refrence it shows genuling in grown and specially its patterned rhetoricality or use of figurative proccesorsfeature that make any “right reading” or “ correct reading” of a text imposible.
                          To conclude one might say that it is all about discentralise the central and in another way it is free play of meaning in disguise.  
4) Structerlisim:-
                          Structerlisim criticism the practice of critic who analysis literature on the expleset model of sturalistic lionguastic as appealied in literary study. Structerlist criticism convience literture system of language as its medium and is itself tobe analysised primarly on model of linguistic concepts to the linguistic concepts to the analysis of a literary texts.
                             This  mode of criticism part of larger movement french structerlism in inaugurated 1950 by the cultural anthropogytist Clude Levistrauss   
         In the Struturalist views what had been called a literary work becomes a text that is a mode of writing constituted by a play of eternal elements according to spefically literary conversation and codes this factor may geranate and illusion in reality but have no truth view nor even any refrence to a reality excusting outside the literary system itself.
                          The individual author or subjects is not a sign any inciative expressive intension or design as the “ Origin” or producer of work tobe construct that “ Self ” is declared to be construct that itself the producting system and the mind of an author is discribe as an in puted “ Space” within which the inpersonal “ Always alredy” excusting system of literary language convention codes and rules of combination gets precipitated in a particular texts.
                          Struclisim replace author with the reader as the central angency in criticism but the traditionl reader as conscious purposeful and feeling individual is is replaced by the inpersonal activity of reading and what is reading not a work imbued with meaning.
5)Post Structerlisim :-
                       It  designates a broad variety critical presepective and proceser that in the 1970 displaced structerlisim from its prominent as the readically inventive way of dealing with language and another signifying system.There are various feature or theme that are shared by diverse types of post structural thought and criticism given as under
1)                       The Primary of Theory :-
                     In post structural what is called “Theory” came to be for grownded so that many critics felt it in incumbent to “Theorycise” their individual position and practices.

2)                      The decentraing of the subject:
                  The opposional stands of many post structural critics is many faceted in a shape critic of what they call “Humanisim” that is , of the tradional view that the human begin or human author is a conherne identity.
                     Sturatisim has already teanded to divest the subject of operative insiative and contral euacuating the purposive human agent into a more location or “Space”, were in the diffirecsal element and codes of a systemic langu precipitated into a partculer purole a signifying product.

3)                      Reading, texts and writing :
              The decenting or deletion of the author lives the reader as the focal figure in post structural account of signify pratises.

4)                      The concept the discourse:
              Literary criticst long made causal used of the term “Discourse” as specialy in application to passagesd reprenting, conversation between character in a literary work.
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